Foothills Writers Group Who are we? The Foothills Writers Group collectively bands together in our creative writing journey. Whether new to writing, writing but not published, self-published, currently published or in need of guidance from genuine sources of inspiration and aid we are the group to join.
We meet monthly to provide support to our members, share knowledge and market our written works. We are currently organizing ‘critiquing groups’ and in the future will have coaching/mentoring programs. At the meetings, we encourage writers to present a portion of their written works for our entertainment. (This is optional).
Members in good standing are offered workshops, marketing events and education materials. Where do we meet? The Indie Author Group meets every third Thursday from 6:00-8:30 at the Okotoks Public Library. Who is eligible? We welcome all passionate writers over 18 years of age looking for insight, encouragement and, the ability to assist other like-minded individuals.
Interested in joining the ‘Foothills Writers Group: Send a email to: [email protected]